Construción y fortalecimiento de la movilización. El caso Camioneros entre 1991-2001

Desde 2003 la recuperación del empleo registrado alentó la participación de los sindicatos, las empresas y el Estado en el sistema de relaciones laborales argentino. Esto se reflejó en el restablecimiento de la negociación colectiva, la reaparición de los reclamos laborales y el incremento de la afiliación sindical, todo lo cual indica un fortalecimiento de los sindicatos que se enmarca en la noción de “revitalización sindical” (Etchemendy y Collier, [2007] 2008; Atzeni y Ghigliani, 2007; Senén González y Haidar, 2009; Senén González y Del Bono, 2013).

Since 2003, the recovery of the registered employment rate in Argentina has encouraged the participation of trade unions, companies and of the state in the industrial relations system. This is reflected in the reestablishment of collective bargaining, in the reappearance of demands connected with labour issues and in the increasing union membership, all of which indicates a process of strengthening of trade unions that has been conceptualized under the notion of “union revitalization” (Etchemendy & Collier, [2007] 2008; Atzeni & Ghigliani, 2007; Senén González & Haidar, 2009; Senén González & Del Bono, 2013). In this context, the leading role that Truckers’ union have acquired –a group of social actors grouped in the National Federation of Truck Drivers and Workers of Motor Transport of Freights, Logistics and Services- has motivated the aim of this study: it is investigate and reflect on how this trade union has built and strengthened its capacity of mobilization between 1991-2002 and between 2003-2011. These periods of time have been chosen because they allow contrasting the actions of the trade union –taken as a case study- through a diachronic comparison of the collected data. Our analysis show that not only the political-economic context initiated in 2003 favored the development of Truckers’ demands, but also was important the fact that their leaders knew how to interpret what was happening and they acted accordingly, trying to better exploit their capacity of mobilization.

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