La estrategia del desarrollismo en la Argentina. Debates y aportes

En el presente artículo se propone una aproximación tanto al pensamiento desarrollista que emergió en los años sesenta en la Argentina como al debate del que dicha perspectiva formó parte, en relación con el perfil y la estrategia de industrialización nacional durante la segunda fase del proceso de sustitución de importaciones.

The present article proposes an approach to the developmentalism through import-substitution during the seventies in Argentina and also to the debate about the strategy of national industrialization during the sencond phase of the import substitution process. In the first place, the article treats the developmentalism economic diagnostic about constraints regarding industrialization and its proposal on economic policy, introducing -in addition- references about the context of its emergence and about Rogelio Frigerio biography (as one of the leading intellectuals of developmentalism). In the sencond place, the article analyses the academic debate in relation to the developmentalism economic policy during the seventies, especially the contributions of Guido Di Tella, Aldo Ferrer and Marcelo Diamand. Finally, the article makes a reflexion about the validity of this contributions at present.

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