Costos y rentabilidad agrícola 1987/2012: insuficiencia estadística que condiciona el debate

El largo, inusual e importante conflicto agrario del año 2008 y la trascendencia económica y política del debate entre las entidades representativas del agro pampeano y el gobierno en torno de las retenciones a las exportaciones y a la rentabilidad agraria imponen la obligación de estudiar la evolución de los costos, gastos y rentabilidades en la producción de granos en las últimas décadas.

The long, unusual and important farm conflict in 2008 and the economic and political  relevance of the debate between Government y farmers among the export taxation and producers profits set the obligation to study the cost, expenses y profit evolution in the grain production in the last decades. The conflict happened after the ‘90s, a decade full of paradoxes, with continuous production records and bankruptcies of many indebted farms. That’s why the roughness and length of the conflict in 2008 called the attention of many in a period of economic bonanza of the producers, in contrast of the weaker clashes years before.
As it will be tried to be showed in this paper, the heated debate in which most of the unions, political and social institutions participated from 2008, didn’t begin of complete and thorough analysis of different costs, expenses, incomes and profit evolution in the production of the leading grains along the last thirty years. The underlying question is: Ho the profit evolution was examined in each period if the necessary statistics that allows the study of the matter through time do not exist? This issue enables the reflexion among the depth of many union and political arguments that where launched on the matter. 

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